Have a nice time documenting components.

Create a beautiful documentation for your components writing dead simple files.

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  • Install

    Pitsby is available via npm.

    npm install -g @glorious/pitsby
  • Setup

    Pitsby is based on two types of file. Choose a technology to see how simple they are.

    Pitsby configuration should be created in the root directory of the project which you want the website will be created for. It’s responsible to tell Pitsby where *.doc.js files are, among other things.

    You should create one *.doc.js file per component per engine. If your project makes components available for more than one technology, each one of them needs a *doc.js file.

  • Build

    Once you have set up a configuration file and, at least, one documentation file, you can easily generate the website running:

    pitsby build

    You can see the result serving it with http-server or any other lib that you prefer:

    http-server ./pitsby
  • Watch

    You can optionally keep Pitsby watching the changes you make on any file listed on the configuration file. To do this, use the watch flag:

    pitsby build --watch

    The website will be running on http://localhost:7000.

  • Deploy

    When your changes are ready to be deployed, set the Node environment to production to make Pitsby build optimized assets:

    NODE_ENV=production pitsby build


Have you adopted Pitsby? Showcase your project here.


  • Lucas Cunha

    Pitsby makes developers' life really easy. No hassle, no pain, only gain.

  • Jim Chien

    Easy and maintainable!

  • Fernando Rodrigues

    I love the playground feature. An easy and isolated way to play with components.

  • Julio Lozovei

    Pitsby is utterly awesome and easy - no more pain while documenting components, specially Vanilla!

Seamless. Beautiful. Declarative.